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Take the opportunity to train one on one with some of Australia’s most experienced  trainers Darren Reece – 72 fights, Dan Skinner or Barrie Oliver – 25 fights – current State and Australian champion, Eddy D'Uva - current State Champion, Riley Anastas (active fighter) and Ben Worsfold (current fighter). You will set and work towards achieving realistic goals. Sessions range from 30 mins to 45 mins. You can choose to work on:

  • fitness with an intense cardio workout using cardio machines and pad work.

  • strength and conditioning using strength exercises, weights or strength training equipment.

  • focus and improve your MuayThai or boxing skills rapidly with personal attention.

Contact Darren on 0415 122 856 to book a session.

Due to the popularity of personal training, please note that after one missed personal training session without notification, all sessions missed thereafter will incur a 50% cancellation fee.

© 2018 by Riddlers Gym. Proudly created by The Pink Tank

We do not warrant or represent that the information in this site is free from errors or omissions or is suitable for your intended use. We recommend that you seek individual advice before acting on any information in this site. We have made every effort to ensure that the information on our website is correct at the time of publication but recommend that you exercise your own skill and care with respect to its use. If you wish to purchase our services, please do not rely solely on the information in this website

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